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NEWSEvaluation of MichellOur puppy Michell Silky Grain Terako was successfully evaluated and got the code: 111 111 131 1F.f: GrandCh. Artur Koblížek m: GrandCh. Aneridee Super Sateen owner: Dagmar Marešová ![]() 11/06/2014 Last year looking back…![]() ..it's over.. We enjoyed it... ![]() ![]() And this is how look: our grandmothers... Geri ![]() ![]() and Winny ![]() ![]() our mothers... Satin (GrandCh, Club Ch) ![]() ![]() a Jodie (GrandCh) ![]() ![]() and our children... Geri's Iasmeen (5 years) (GrandCh, Club Ch) ![]() Jodie's puppies (grandchildren of Winny) had one year of age in May... Nelson ![]() a Niky ![]() Satin's puppies had two years of age in April... Mongine ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Michel with brother Morris ![]() Mirell ![]() ![]() ![]() Matyáš ![]() Czech champion Morris ![]() ![]() Czech champion Marty ![]() ![]() ![]() ...and whole pack - Terako ![]() 07/06/2014 Puppies are 6 weeks old...Group picture attempt...![]() ![]() ![]() More puppies´pictures - here 21/06/2013 Jodi´s puppies are 5 weeks old..![]() ![]() ![]() More puppies´pictures - here 10/06/2013 We have puppies!Jodinka is proud mum of three puppies – two boys and one girl. She is a good mum and puppies are growing up.![]() 10/05/2013 The mating was successfulJodinka´s puppies should be coming on the beginning of May. 04/04/2013 MorrisMongi´s brother Morris at Club dogshow in Liberec and outside.
06/11/2012 Our Sati loves showing off very much...The last Sunday of September was very successfull day for Sati. Firstly she won CAC in Championclass and than she took part with handler Katka Navrátilíková Juniorhandling competition, elder category. They were very handy and defeated their opponents. Look how it suits to them. Congratulations to Jasmínka!At the national dogshow in Brno reached great succes also Iasmeen Terako with her owner Katka Viktorínová. They obtained evaluation CAC and National Winner :) New picture of our puppiesOur puppies grew up. They are 5 months old and some of them attended their first dogshow: NV Mladá Boleslav Mongi VN1, Klubová výstava Morris VN1, NV Brno Marty VN1, Mongi VN1. 01/10/2012 Our little Mongine Puppies - 8 weeks 25/06/2012 Puppies - 6 weeks 10/06/2012 Puppies - 5 weeks 2/06/2012 Puppies - 3 weeks 21/05/2012 Ten days old puppies 06/05/2012 Two days old puppiesPictures of two daysold puppies - two of them are still free!! 28/04/2012 We have puppiesSatinka gave birth six beauty puppies during three and half hours. We have three boys and three girls. Two ruby boys, t two ruby girls and ona BT boy and one BT girl. 26/04/2012 One more matingThis time we chose ruby boy Artur Koblížek (Body) for Sateen. Just for sure the wedding journey took tree days. Body felt in love and was very handy. We hope that Sateen give us puppies at the end of April. PF 2012 Are the puppies going to be?!We had closed the show season by now and on 14th October we realized wedding of Sati and ruby boy Yellow du Chateau Noblese.If everything will turn out well, in December Sati will become a mother for the second time. Looking back at exhibition season…This was a very successsful year for our dogs (see below) and especially for Sati. So I can´t resist not to tell you about it.Over that Sati has obtained the title Czech Grandchampion, after counting pionts we found out that she met requirements for obtaining the title Club Champion. Actual picture of our doggies - spring 2011
Champion Rexik!!Rexík (Issaya Terako) completed his title Czech Champion at the International dogshow in Praha-Letňany 2011-05-24! New pictures of our puppies - here 30/05/2011 Champion SatiSati obtained title Czech Champion! Kersi at the dogshowSati's daughter Kersi Terako obtained evaluation VN1 at the dogshow in Ostrava. Puppies' portraits...
19/04/2011 New pictures of our puppies - here 16/04/2011 Puppies opened their eyes...All three boys are 14 days old, weighs almost kilogram each and look about by dark blue eyes. Gerinka is handy and careful mum. 06/04/2011 Puppies were born...We have nice three ruby boys. Dad is Ich. Chris z Panství Lomnice, mum is our Gerenica Terako. They arrived 15th March. Expecting puppies...Dad is Ich. Chris z Panství Lomnice, mum is our Gerenica Terako. They should arrive around 20th March. Sati's puppies in 3 months of ageWhat are our puppies Kersi and Karim Terako doing now? Look at the pictures.. New pictures of Rexík, Jasmínka, Idar and Indigo 02/02/2011 Our puppies...Our puppies Kersi and Karim Terako (mother Aneridee Super Sateen, father Issaya Terako). Puppies are 14 days old - look at the pictures 27/10/2010 Puppies was born!Two Sati's puppies was born in Saturday 9th October. One boy, one girl and both are ruby. 13/10/2010 ...one more weddingWinny started to be in heat earlier and we decided to make a wedding. Her husband is a BT boy Monty (Moloděc Sladká krása). The puppies will arrive in November. 23/09/2010 We are expecting puppiesRex (Issaya Terako) and our Sati (Aneridee Super Sateen) had a wedding at 10th August. They are so beautiful couple. 14/09/2010 Summer dogshowsKV Brno ZetorIasmine Terako V1 Issaya Terako V1, VT, Krajský vítěz Aneridee Super Sateen V1, VT, Krajský vítěz Jodie Princess Terako V1, VT MVP Mladá Boleslav 28.8. 2010 Issaya Terako V1, CAC Aneridee Super Sateen V1, CAC 14/09/2010 Evaluation of RexíkWith pleasure we announce that Issaya Terako (Rexík) was successfully evaluated and found useful for breeding (ev. code 5/3, middle size, dentition complete, occlusion correct, body height 34, body lenght 41, lenght of nose 3,4) He has certificate of examination eyes and heart, both with negative result. Now he is free to make wedding with Sateen. But Rexík is very extroversive and social boy and surely he won´t refuse other offers.Contact: Dáša and Vladislav Šubovi, Brno- Lesná, phone 00420 602 406 111 02/07/2010 Cavalier meeting in Vanov 25.–27.6. 2010Thanks to perfect promoters, as Míša Vaňková, Míša Čermáková and Královi it was wonderful happening connected with evaluation and young generation meeting. Weather was ideal and tens of cavaliers were running and playing at the green. General attendance was 87 owners and 102 cavaliers. Owners were acquainting, chatting, photographing dogs and they took part in games and competitions, conversation about breeding, etology or differences in standart of American and English cavaliers. Pictures from the meeting you can see - HERE02/07/2010 We are planning puppiesSateen will be next in heat in August. We are planning wedding with Issaya Terako. Puppies are expected to be in October! Moreover wedding of Holdwine Terako is planned on October. Her puppies can come to light during Christmas. 27/06/2010 International Dog Show Brno – 20. 6. 2010Four of our dogs took part in this competition and all obtained good evaluation:Iasmine Terako V1 CAC (intermediate class) Issaya Terako V2 Res.CAC (intermediate class) Aneridee Super Sateen V2 Res. CAC (open class) Jodie Princess Terako V2 (young class) 27/06/2010 The time ghastly fliesOur small Jodie is nearly one year old princess at the present. She resembles very much to her grandmother Bongi. She is caressing and sweet, but likes pawing. The crater in the centrum of our green I cannot excuse her. See how she matured. HERE27/06/2010 Iasmine from a childhood - pictures 27/06/2010 Issaya from a childhood - pictures 27/06/2010 Photographing of Rexík (Issaya) and Iasmine after dog show in Vyškov. 27/06/2010 Our DixiOur female Dixi (mother Arletta Terako, father Benedetto Tricyrtis) 11. 12. 2009 lived to see 11 years. I am much obliged to Mrs. Baránková from Valtice for her exemplary care. 09/02/2010 National dog show BrnoAt the national dog show in Brno Sati obtained evaluation V1 CAC And Issaya Terako (Rexík) V1 CAJC. Thanks to Issaya´s owner PharmDr. Dáša Šubová for nice presentation. 29/10/2009 New pictures of Irwing and Goldy..on the occasion of Irwing´s 4 months birth. It suits them very well. Irwing´s parents are Gallika Terako (Grace) and Alf Zlatý kavalír. 29/10/2009 Updating of the websitesWe updated the websites. We supplied actual pictures to the most of folders in photogallery and added a new folder of the pictures from autumn walk as well. (here). The pictures you can see in photogallery or here. Enjoy..10/10/2009 Autumn walk – look at the pictures 10/10/2009 Indian summer at the cottage – look at the pictures 01/10/2009 Well it went, Irwi has new familySmall Irwi went back to his mother and sister Indiana for a few days due to allergy of owners child. He played with sister Indiana so much, that he didnť have time to be sad. (pictures 1-3) And during few days new family came to have a look at him. At present you can find him in a new family in Prague, where he has a good time and he plays with new friend in ruby coat Golden Fire z Vrchu králů.(pictures 4-7) 1 3 4 6 01/10/2009 MVP Mladá Boleslav 30.8.2009Aneridee Super Sateen – Sati – V 3 10/09/2009 Grace´s puppies are 7 weeks oldIsabela Lady Iren Eimi Indiana Black 13/08/2009 Pleasure and sorrowWinny gave birth on Saturday afternoon. There were 2 BT girls in her belly but the second one went out too slowly and she died. We are regret very much. Our only child is alive and kicking and Winny take care about her carefully. First pictures are - HERE, Jodie was 12 hours old. 27/07/2009 Grace´s puppiesGrace (sister of our Geri) have six wonderful puppies (*23.6.2009). They are 4 weeks old at present.Mrs. Lenka Nováková, +420 736 541064, drubezryby@seznam.cz Isis Dea Isabela Lady Iren Eimi Iron Man Indiana Black Iwning Sir 21/07/2009 Rex after bath 21/07/2009 Cavaliers meeting in ŽelezniceWeather was relatively nice and people and their dogs relaxed on a green grass. 21/07/2009 Winny is going to be mummy for the first timeWinny was in heat one month earlier, but mating has been successful and her belly is more round at present. We are looking forward for puppies at the end of July.29/06/2009 Planning Winny's puppiesGeri‘s puppies „I“ looks beautiful and so we decided for her sister‘s Winny wedding with the same boy – Míša (Mazanec Sladká krása). 10/05/2009 Puppies are 4 months oldOur last litter „I“ (Gerenika Terako and Mazanec Sladká krása) will be 4 month old at 14th May. They have grown up and what’s the most important - they have a great families. They are enthusiastic by puppies‘ wonderfull character, obedience and caressing nature. And that’s why they took them – two of the families already have one. And how they look now? You can have a look. - NEW PICTURES10/05/2009 Sad newsThe joy from Sati’s success was changed for a big pain. On Sunday 18th January 2009 our beloved Bongi has gone to the dogs heaven after serious illness. We miss her very much.21/01/2009 Sati’s successSati has showed herself in a class of young animals for the first time after two „very promising“ in class of youth from the past dog shows. She reached V1 CAJC and even the evaluation of „The best young bitch“ at national dog show in Olomouc.21/01/2009 WE HAVE PUPPIES!!!Our puppies came to light 14th December between 6 p.m. and midnight. We have six puppies - three ruby boys, one ruby girl, one BT girl and one BT boy... Mother Geri was very handy and everything was all right. 15/12/2008 We are expecting puppiesGeri have confirmed the puppies by the SONO from 12th November. They should come to light about16th December, almost like a christmas present. We are looking forward to them. 16/11/2008 Evaluation..7th September 2008 in Městec Králové our ruby bitch Holdwine Terako was succesfully evaluated. She received evaluation code 111 212 111 131 1E.22/09/2008 Planning puppies...Next mating we are planning after summer holidays so the puppies could be born in Nowember. The parents will be Gerenika Terako and lovely BT boy Mazanec (Míša) Sladká krása.22/09/2008 Meet...BT bitch Sateen from Finland has spread our pack in the end of April. She was 3 months. She is carresy, petty and very bright. She grows very quickly. In her permanent games with Geri and Winny she trains her small body. Bongi is keeping her decorum and tolerates Sateen’s naughty humour. Sateen was said not to eat much in Finland but now under the observation of her three „ants“ eats out the whole bowl and what more.... checks wheather their isn't anything left.22/5/2008 18:51 Puppies are growing upOur puppies from the last litter "CH" are with new owners. They will be 4 months old at 14 th January. All of them are happy.06/01/2008 18:11 We have puppies!Puppies were born on 14th September after midnight. There were three girls and two boys, but one boy was too big and he didn´t survive the delivery. Four puppies are OK and mother Geri as well. 14/09/2007 08:55 Winny fulfiled conditions for award of a Juniorchampion titleOur Winny managed to obtain (at the age of 14 months) the third title of CAJC on the National Dog Show in Brno. She won in the competition of 5 bitches.11/09/2007 19:22 We are expecting puppies!Mating seems to be successful and Geri is going to be mother. Four puppies with their beating hearts were observable on sono. The father is lovely BT boy Brill Z hradu Doubravka. Puppies should come to light about 18th of September.13/08/2007 || 18:47 Dog shows´ successes of Bongi´s descendats in 2007:O pohár zvěrokruhu (12.1.2007) - Geri V2 res.CAC, Greffy V1 CAC, Gallika V2(bez tit.)NV Ostrava (15.4.2007) - Geri V1(bez tit.), Holdwine V1 CAJC MVP České Budějovice (22.4.2007) - Geri V1 CAC MVP Praha (29.4.2007) - Geri V3 Club dog show Kutná Hora (12.5.2007) - Geri V3, Holdwine V2 KV Zlín (26.5.2007) - Geri V1,VT,Krajský vítěz, Holdwine V1, Vítěz tř. mladých Club dog show Vinoř (9.6.2007) - Geri V3, Holdwine V4 Special dog show Vinoř (10.6.2007) - Geri V2 res.CAC, Holdwine V3 MVP Brno (14.6.2007) - Geri V3, Holdwine V1 CAJC KV Brno (18.8.2007) - Geri V1 Winner of class, Holdwine V1 WInner of class, Goliáš V1 District winner NV Brno (10.9.2007) - Holdwine V1 CAJC 13/08/2007 || 18:42 Evaluation...Last weekend, BT bitch Grace (Geri's sister) was succesfully evaluated. As well as her brother Greffy, she received excellent evaluation code. 111 111 111 131 1E.28/02/2007 || 15:54 We have ruby girl...We have ruby girl...Two ruby girls? Never!! The expirience with hunting Geri...that’s enough!! Well, it happened. A new member of our pack.is ruby girl Winny. Her owners returned her back, because she had bothered their older ruby female. Every breeder wonders about it, but it is so. She incorporated into our pack absolutely without any problems. She has gorgeous big eyes and when you look into them, you cannot betray her. Winny’s name is in fact Holdwine and you can find her in photogallery (that without white star on forehead). Her sister Hurricane (Wanesska) can be seen in the title photograph on the left side. 27/02/2007 || 22:39 Evaluation....Gerenika (RU) and her two brothers Greffy (RU) and Goliáš (BT) have passed evaluation succesfully in September 2006 and they can be used in breeding. The photos of both boys are placed in photogallery and pedigrees and evaluation codes you can find in new section "Offer for breeding" on the front-page.09/11/2006 || 10:08 09/11/2006 || 10:15 How the time flies...Ruby girls Hurricane and Holdwine are now 4 month old. Hurricane arrived to Special exhibition of cavaliers in Kutná Hora with her owners only to gain expirience. She was enthusiastic. She has met with peoples and dogs and has made friends with coeval puppies. After so much impressions she felt asleep on master´s knees. New photos you can find in photogallery. 09/11/2006 || 10:02 09/11/2006 || 10:14 Puppies came to lightBongi´s puppies were born on Sunday 18th June. We supposed to have more numerous litter based on SONO, but only two ruby girls were there. The milk streams, so you can almost see them grow. They have next to half of kilogram in the 7th day of their lifetime.27/06/2006 || 13:08 Nil report about KettyIt was pleasant that our oldest cavalier bitch Ketty celebrated her 13th day of birth (in April) in very good condition. But unfortunately this situation didn´t continue for long a time. One month later she lost her apetite, she got sadden and stopped to walk. Veterinary examination revealed illness of both kidneys. She weakened during one month and died in the end.26/06/2006 || 19:30 Bongi is expecting puppies!We made ultra-sound treatment in the half of supposed pregnancy with a view to know how many puppies we can expect and if they are alive. About 30th day of pregnancy the suitable size of fetuses enables to be seen side by side with their working hearts.24/05/2006 || 14:56 HoneymoonDuring Easters we went to Bongi‘s groom Lancelot Biely démon. Rating was succesful twice, so we hope, that our Geri will have some brothers and sisters. The term of gravidity is 63 days, that means, that the birth can be expected about 18 th June. Wedding photo of the parents can be found in our photogallery.17/04/2006 || 15:36 We took part in the dog exhibitionGeri celebrated her first birthday 11th April, therefore she is exposed in the class of the young animals. So far she has participated in 6 exhibitions and has always obtained judgement „excellent“. We especially appreciate judgement „excellent“ by an English judge Mrs. Diane Fry, which Geri gained at the Slovak club exhibition. A week later at the national dog show in Ostrava Geri was awarded by the titul CAJC and at the district dog exhibition in Hradec Králové she was „excellent, the winner for class“.17/04/2006 || 15:29 Ketty celebrated her 13th day of birthShe is very handy grandmother. Her heart is practically all right and she moves very well. Although she is a little lazy, she is able to manage an hour or more taking walk with Bongi and Geri.17/04/2006 || 15:21 We plan the puppiesThat’s the fact, that the last litter puppies is really very nice. Girls are faceing for a hopeful exhibition career. Boys haven’t been exhibited so far, but they look very nice and we can suppose their successful evaluation. Therefore we decided for the second mating with the same father – Lancelot Biely Démon. We expect the rating in February. If it goes according the plan, puppies can be born in April.15/01/2006 || 17:24 We are already adult girlsOn Sunday 15. 1. 2006 we set on our first dog exhibition to Olomouc. Both girls, Geri and Grace of Bongi’s litter grew up, they are 9 months, so they can take part in the class of young animals. In competition of older and more mature bitches they were in their colour „excellent 2“ – it is quite good, isn‘t it?15/01/2006 || 17:12 The puppies of April litter achieved the first exhibitional successesOur BT bitch Grace achieved the first exhibitional success at the great Club exhibition in Jesenice 22. 9. 2005. She took place in class of teenagers. The judge Mr. Ken Town chose Grace as the best of all in the competition of 6 bitches.Three weeks later, at the Czech national exhibition in Prague, both Grace and Geri were first (VH 1) in their class. 19/11/2005 || 22:04 The new arrival to our kennel is ruby bitch Gerenika TerakoThe new member of our family is ruby girl Gerenika Terako (Geri). She was three month old 11th July. Geri is wild and also carresing. She quickly learned all good and also bad manners from her mother Bongi and also from Arlette and Ketty. You can see over her photos in our photogallery.11/07/2005 || 23:32 | ||||||
© 2007 Terako, owner MVDr. Irena Kociánová |